Japan is very popular about its Martial Arts (Budo/Bujutsu). There are several Japanese Martial Arts that now included in Olympic Games, such as Karate, Judo, Kenpo. Also there are more that now spread all around the world and has their own International Competition, such as Kendo, Iaido, Aikido (Shodokan Aikido), KyuDo, also Kenjutsu and IaiJutsu, and Sumo.
Most of them are came from Samurai culture, such as Kendo (fencing), and some are from civilian such as Karate.
Here are list of the most Popular-world-well-known Japanese Martial Arts.
Bare Handed:
Most of them are came from Samurai culture, such as Kendo (fencing), and some are from civilian such as Karate.
Here are list of the most Popular-world-well-known Japanese Martial Arts.
Bare Handed:
- Ju-do
- Karate-do
- Kenpo-do
- Aiki-do
- Jujutsu
- Taijutsu
- Sumo
- Kendo (Fencing)
- Kenjutsu (Traditional Fencing)
- IaiDo (Fencing)
- IaiJutsu (Traditional Version from IaiDO)
- JoJutsu (staff), ShurikenJutsu(throwing), BoJutsu/YariJutsu(stick/spear)- (most are taught in one scholl. like ninjutsu club)
- Ninjutsu (Ninja)