originated from: www.kendo.web.id
Indonesia Kendo Association (IKA) is the official national organization for Kendo in Indonesia. Established in 2010, IKA aims to encourage and facilitate the development of Kendo in Indonesia, and to represent Indonesia in various Kendo events on the international level.
Currently, IKA’s membership covers the following organizations:
- Jakarta Kendo Association
- Bandung Kendo Association
- Persada Medan Kendo Club
- Yogyakarta Kendo Association
- Suroboyo Kenyukai
- Malang Kendo Asociation
IKA’s annual events are :
- Indonesia National Kendo Tournament
- Jakarta Matsuri Kendo Tournament
- National grading examination
With the development of Kendo in Indonesia, IKA is aiming to include as many local/regional events as possible into the national program/callendar.
IKA also routinely represent Indonesia in participating in international tournaments, such as :
- ASEAN Kendo Tournament
- Hong Kong Asian Open Kendo Tournament
- Foreign Kendo Leader Seminar by All Japan Kendo Federation.
In May 2014, after a lengthy process, Indonesia Kendo Association is finally recognised by the International Kendo Federation (FIK) as their affiliated organisation. This achievement allows kenshi from Indonesia to compete for the first time in the World Kendo Championship, which next will be held in Tokyo on 29-31 May 2015.
As for now, here are International events which IKA has been participated:
- 16th World Kendo Championship in Tokyo, Japan, 2015
- 9th ASEAN Kendo Tournament in Bangkok, Thailand, 2016
- 17th World Kendo Championship in Incheon, South Korea, 2018
- 10th ASEAN Kendo Tournament in Jakarta, Indonesia, 2019
and the next event is 18th World Kendo Championship in Paris, France, in 2021.
credit /source : https://indonesiakendo.wordpress.com/about-ika/ (apparently not IKA official page but written by IKA official) with some additional information provided by Kendo.web.id admin
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