originated from: www.kendo.web.id Indonesia Kendo Association (IKA) is the official national organization for Kendo in Indonesia. Established in 2010, IKA aims to encourage and facilitate the development of Kendo in Indonesia, and to represent Indonesia in various Kendo events on the international level. Currently, IKA’s membership covers the following organizations: Jakarta Kendo Association Bandung Kendo Association Persada Medan Kendo Club Yogyakarta Kendo Association Suroboyo Kenyukai Malang Kendo Asociation IKA’s annual events are : Indonesia National Kendo Tournament Jakarta Matsuri Kendo Tournament National grading examination With the development of Kendo in Indonesia, IKA is aiming to include as many local/regional events as possible into the national program/callendar. IKA also routinely represent Indonesia in participating in international tournaments, such as : ASEAN Kendo Tournament Hong Kong Asian Open Kendo Tournament Foreign Kendo Leader Sem...
KAPPA 河童. One of the Suijin 水神 ( water kami, water deities) of Shinto mythology. Suijin are found in lakes, ponds, springs, wells, and irrigation waterways. They are often depicted as a snake, a dragon , an eel, a fish, a turtle , or a kappa. One of the most curious Suijin in Japan manifests itself as the water-cleansing bacteria in sewage water ( details here ). According to the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics (Kokugakuin University), women have played an important role in the history of Suijin worship in Japan. With the introduction of Buddhism in the 6th century AD, however, Japan's many Shinto water kami begin to slowly absorb Buddhist attributes. Not surprisingly, this ongoing mixture of traditions makes it difficult to identify the origins of these "syncretic" deities. This difficulty is compounded by the lack of Shinto artwork or written records prior to the 8th century. For details on Japan's SUIJIN traditions, please see the Suijin Page (aka S...